Living Room installation, 2020
McCormick House: From the Collection
Dec 3rd–Jun 20th 2021For related interviews, activities, and more visit our Museum from Home page
Explore the Mies van der Rohe-designed McCormick House through a permanent collection display in the Children's Wing. Works by Midwestern artists are highlighted along with classic mid-century furnishings and historic photographs of the house's interior.
Artists included: Richard Koppe, Nancy Mladenoff, Amy Park, Angelo Testa, Frank Trankina, and Glenn Wexler
This display will run concurrently with an installation in the Parent's Wing by artists Alisha Wormsley and Ayanah Moor There is Black Housing in the Future: Equitable Housing as Memorial.
Learn more about Mies van der Rohe's McCormick House and its history.