Model of McCormick House. Photography by Steven Koch.
McCormick House: From the Collection
Oct 27th–Jan 2nd 2022For related interviews, activities, and more visit our Museum from Home page
Explore the Mies van der Rohe-designed McCormick House through a permanent collection display in the Children’s Wing. Works by Midwestern artists are highlighted along with classic mid-century furnishings and historic photographs of the house’s interior.
Artists currently featured: Keith Achepohl, Cat Clausen, Sonia Delaunay, John Dempsey, Michelle Grabner, Michiko Itatani, Richard Koppe, Judith Raphael, Carolyn Swiszcz, Frank Trankina, and Serena Wise.
Learn more about Mies van der Rohe’s McCormick House and its history.